Friday, November 4, 2011

6 years... seriously?

I always find it amazing how 2 people in a relationship/ not yet married manage to stay in love for years. I'm not even sure if someone would put up with me that long. I wouldn't know until I experience love's awesomeness but I wish I can of course or I would die alone.He he.

November 3, 2011. My brother and his girlfriend celebrated their 6 years of being together. 6 years of love, happiness, sweet nothings, fights, making up and whatever. To be honest, I always wonder how they've managed to put up with each other. I wouldn't go into detail about that but 6 years? 6 loooong years? Oh well, It must be really love.

Happy Anniversary to the most annoying yet most loved couple. I love you both! :) Please get married soon so I can have my own room. Kidding (Half meant lol)! Stay in love!

My brother's surprise. 2 half cakes from Becky's Kitchen --Blue berry cheese cake and swiss chocolate :)

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